About Chicago Area Project
Chicago Area Project (CAP) was founded in the 1930’s by Clifford Shaw, a University of Chicago sociologist, who believed every neighborhood could reduce juvenile delinquency by improving community life. Our original mission has not changed since that founding. CAP’s long history of community building has demonstrated that low-income residents are as capable as others in addressing critical neighborhood issues. CAP believes that community problems cannot be solved by bringing in outside agencies to “fix” local problems such as delinquency, gang violence, substance abuse, and unemployment.

affiliates and partners
CAP Affiliates, Alliance Partners, and special projects are located in underserved neighborhoods in the Chicago metropolitan area and throughout the State of Illinois. CAP serves community-based organizations and youth by playing various roles: facilitator, intermediary, mentor, and trainer. Each Affiliate is an independent, self-sustaining organization focused on the needs of neighborhood residents identified by its own leaders. Through its emphasis on community capacity-building, CAP works to develop and sustain its Affiliates and Alliance Partners. In partnership with local academic and national professional associations, CAP delivers training programs to professionalize youth service workers and improve the quality of their work with young people.
CAP empowers a broad base of community stakeholders to work together to improve neighborhood conditions, hold institutions accountable, reduce anti-social behavior by young people, protect children from inappropriate institutionalization, and provide youth with positive models for personal development. Through implementation of special projects and on-going advocacy efforts, CAP has made substantial contributions to change in juvenile justice, workforce development, welfare and other systems that impact people in need. There are three intervention strategies that CAP employs in its work, which are outlined below.

Community Organizing
We strive to assist and support local residents to engage in grassroots organizing efforts that address priority community issues in order to improve conditions for young people and their families.

Direct Services
We work to develop and strengthen community-led and system-wide initiatives that provide services that respond to identified local needs and involve young people and families in opportunities that build their education, social, economic, physical, and cultural capacities.

CAP Advocates
We promote social justice through supporting and developing efforts to influence policy, resource allocation, and decision-making that address identified needs of young people and their families at the local, city, state, and federal levels.
CAP’s Mission
The Chicago Area Project (CAP) is a, not-for-profit organization with a distinguished history and demonstrable track record of over 75 years of work in delinquency prevention and service in disadvantaged urban neighborhoods. The original mission of CAP has not changed since its inception:To work toward the prevention and eradication of juvenile delinquency through the development and support of affiliated local community self-help efforts in communities where the need is greatest.
CAP’s Philosophy
Chicago Area Project’s philosophy is to improve the quality of neighborhood life with a special focus on solving problems faced by young people and their families. The agency believes that residents must be empowered through the development of community organizations so that they can act together to improve neighborhood conditions, hold institutions serving the community accountable, reduce anti-social behavior by young people, protect them from inappropriate institutionalization, and provide them with positive models for personal development.
CAP’s Goals
The goals of Chicago Area Project are to develop special projects and establish locally controlled organizations that implement the directives put forth in Cap’s mission and philosophy. Projects and affiliates are mandated to positively impact areas in the Chicago vicinity with high rates of juvenile delinquency or other symptoms of social disorganization.

Develop Local Leadership
To develop local leadership broadly representative of the communities that are being served.

Develop Young Leadership
To develop young people’s leadership skills by involving them in youth-initiated community improvement activities or in cooperative projects with adults.

Inform The Community
To promote and inform the community about all programs.

Annual Community Surveys
To conduct an annual community survey to assess needs and develop an action plan with a clear set of goals and objectives.

Measure Progress
To set measurable goals and show progress in improving undesirable conditions.

Develop Referral Network
To develop a referral/resource network with other agencies and institutions.

Positive Development
To improve the climate for the positive development of young people by achieving such improvements as increases in educational achievement levels and vocational skills.

Raise Funds & Manage Staff
To demonstrate an ability to raise funds, manage staff, and be accountable financially and programmatically.

Maintain Records
To develop and maintain all contractual record keeping documents as required.

Develop Local Leadership
To develop local leadership broadly representative of the communities that are being served.

Develop Young Leadership
To develop young people’s leadership skills by involving them in youth-initiated community improvement activities or in cooperative projects with adults.

Inform The Community
To promote and inform the community about all programs.

Annual Community Surveys
To conduct an annual community survey to assess needs and develop an action plan with a clear set of goals and objectives.

Measure Progress
To set measurable goals and show progress in improving undesirable conditions.

Develop Referral Network
To develop a referral/resource network with other agencies and institutions.

Positive Development
To improve the climate for the positive development of young people by achieving such improvements as increases in educational achievement levels and vocational skills.

Raise Funds & Manage Staff
To demonstrate an ability to raise funds, manage staff, and be accountable financially and programmatically.

Maintain Records
To develop and maintain all contractual record keeping documents as required.
Explore More About Chicago Area Project

History of CAP
Learn about the 86 years of impact that CAP has had on the community.

Interested in becoming a part of our team? Explore the job opportunities that are available at CAP.

How to get Involved
Invest in your community by volunteering or donating to the mission of CAP.

Gain valuable experience and make a difference in your community by working as an intern with CAP.

Board of Directors
Learn more about the Board Members at CAP.