Preparing Our Youth
In an effort to increase the participation of Youth in the development and implementation of violence and delinquency prevention activities and services, Chicago Area Project created a network-wide Youth Committee. Consisting of representative youth aged 17-21 from each of CAP’s Community Committees, the Youth Committee members participate in various training opportunities giving them information, skills, and ideas to take back to their communities. Among these are restorative justice practices, program and activity planning and implementation, interaction with police and other authorities, and fundraising.
One of the most important pieces of information youth committee members bring back to their community is an increased level of leadership, developed through workshops and other presentations by CAP staff and outside presenters. As part of the leadership development process, members receive public speaking training, and prepare presentations on their community and its ideas. These presentations are critiqued by experienced staff and guests (including, in the past, business persons, clergy, and elected officials) who then assist the youth in improving their content and their delivery skills. Based on these presentations, youth are selected to participate as CAP Youth Ambassadors at Board and Fund raising Functions, outside Conferences, and to make presentations in various forums related to youth needs and aspirations.

youth committee in action
The Youth Committee members also participate in the University of Illinois Extension Service “All My Money: Change for the Better” Financial Literacy Program, a train-the-trainer financial management program. All My Money: Change for the Better (AMM) is designed for agency staff, social workers and other educators; However, CAP has adapted the curriculum so that older youth can present the financial literacy topics, giving a better chance of their peers paying attention. The CAP Network Wide Youth Committee meets monthly at CAP, and other events and activities are planned by the youth at other venues. In addition, the Committee is planning a college tour in the spring, and visits to local government meetings either in Chicago or the specific towns in which their CAP Affiliated Community Committee is located.
Explore More About Chicago Area Project

History of CAP
Learn about the 86 years of impact that CAP has had on the community.

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How to get Involved
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Board of Directors
Learn more about the Board Members at CAP.